Whether you already consider yourself a financial guru, or know absolutely nothing about the topic, don't worry, I will keep it interesting day in and day out.
This post is just to get you thinking about the nature of finance and how you can start learning how to not get screwed by the system. Now to begin....
E v o l u t i o n o f F i n a n c e i n a R a p i d l y
C h a n g i n g W o r l d
The reason why I based this post upon "Financial Darwinism," is because it is currently one of the books that I am re-reading, which I honestly think is a great book filled with a lot of interesting and thought provoking content. If you want to check out the website, here is a link http://www.financialdarwinism.com/
If you are familiar with Darwin and his theory of evolution, then you might be wondering what the heck this has anything to do with the global financial markets........